Apart from working out I have a goal to eat better and count calories. I feel like I did pretty good. My breakfasts were either smoothies (only fruit no sugar or yogurt or juice added), yogurt or grapefruit. I stuck to that easily since I usually don't eat breakfast. The problem for me was getting me to eat at all. Lunch was a little harder to track. Somedays I had a sandwich and some days I just snacked on celery and carrots throughout the afternoon. Dinners were actually really good. Todd and I had planned out a menu and stuck to it really well. I think on of our dinners was around 400 calories but the was the most and I've made sure that I'm eating only on serving of everything. Looking at the scale I've lost a pound. I'd rather have lost two but one is better than none.
My tip of the week! : Make a menu and stick to it! My main problem wasn't necessarily over-eating or eating when I'm bored. I have a problem deciding what to eat and so sometimes I'm going a whole day with out eating. From what I've read breakfast is important for jump-starting your metabolism for the day. I found that I really do have more energy and that planning a menu stops me from snacking on not so good for me foods.