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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Work out update

So I've started P90x again and I'm on the fourth day. A little sore but doing great. Okay I'm not going to lie, I didn't actually work out yesterday so I'm really on day three. I have a hard time getting up in the morning. When I workout I feel great and productive throughout the rest of the day and when I don't workout I'm usually wishing I did around noon. It's just hard in the mornings when I'm so comfy in bed and thinking about an extra hour of sleep. I've been pretty good about it but I'm wondering if anyone has any advice. What helps you get motivated to workout?


  1. What a great idea you have here in doing this blog. Very smart to track your progress. I like working out in the morning the best too, but it just doesn't work with my schedule and kids. So B and I now work out together at night. After dinner and after putting kids to bed, we take turns running on the treadmill and using the rowing machine we got for christmas. (It's really nice because we get to watch our favorite shows on hulu while we work out!)Or sometimes we just do aerobics together. I think its just easiest to work out together and much more motivating when you have a partner.

  2. I agree that working out in the morning is so energizing to help you feel great the rest of the day. Also, I have read exercising at night can mess with sleep rhythms, but probably to a tired mommy you'd still sleep fine either way. =)

  3. Lindsay, props for doing P90X. That is such an intense program and they are long too. I whimped out after a week. Way to go! Sounds like you are doing really great. Keep it up. I've realized that I have to go to a gym to really exercise. That way my girls get babysat and it is a fun activity for them (most of the time.) I have really come to love the alone time away from them and I am motivated to go often by that and whatever good book or magazine I get to read while doing cardio. I also love it because I can lift and do all sorts of different cardio machines so I don't get bored. Some gyms really aren't that expensive either. In CO I had a membership that was $30 a month that included free babysitting for both my kids. Anyway, that is what I have figured out. Also, I like that because then at night I still get to hang out with carter and not exercise when I am tired at the end of the day.

  4. Just wanted to pop in and say hi and I'm cheering you on!!
