My Weight Loss

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Monday, April 11, 2011

First Week of April update

So I been on track for a week and I felt like I should update on how I did. I worked out 4 times last week. Definitely room for improvement. My workouts consist of strength training on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with a pretty intense ab workout at the end totalling about an hour each day. Not too bad. I can tell I was definitely feeling it, ask Todd I was whining all weekend because of soreness. Anyways, Tuesday was my 45 minute Cardio workout and Thursday was Yoga. I didn't do Yoga this last week because I was uber-sore. (doing it this week though) I've decided since it is weight I'm trying to loose that on the strength training days I'm going to walk for an hour at nights. I did that last wednesday. I walked four miles in an hour and burned roughly 410 calories. That's in addition to my morning workouts. I hoping to walk at least three times this week. I would say I felt pretty good this last week. I definitely felt more productive. There's my work out update.
Apart from working out I have a goal to eat better and count calories. I feel like I did pretty good. My breakfasts were either smoothies (only fruit no sugar or yogurt or juice added), yogurt or grapefruit. I stuck to that easily since I usually don't eat breakfast. The problem for me was getting me to eat at all. Lunch was a little harder to track. Somedays I had a sandwich and some days I just snacked on celery and carrots throughout the afternoon. Dinners were actually really good. Todd and I had planned out a menu and stuck to it really well. I think on of our dinners was around 400 calories but the was the most and I've made sure that I'm eating only on serving of everything. Looking at the scale I've lost a pound. I'd rather have lost two but one is better than none.
My tip of the week! : Make a menu and stick to it! My main problem wasn't necessarily over-eating or eating when I'm bored. I have a problem deciding what to eat and so sometimes I'm going a whole day with out eating. From what I've read breakfast is important for jump-starting your metabolism for the day. I found that I really do have more energy and that planning a menu stops me from snacking on not so good for me foods.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Work out update

I'm starting up again after an entire month of not working out. I got up this morning at 5:30 (surprisling easier than expected) and did P90x I didn't quite keep up but I will eventually. I feel great. I have more energy than I've had in weeks. I've been much more patient with Tyson and I haven't had the munchies that I've had these last couple of weeks. When I was on my work out roll last year, Todd was working out with me and was there to help give me support. He won't be working out with me at this time but he is still giving me support. He's helping me eat better. We made up a menu last night of low-fat meals. I'm excited to try it but I still have to go grocercie shopping. Just stick to the List! Well that's my update, oh and the scale said about 171 so that's five pounds heavier than a month ago. How does it come on so fast. I'm working hard and really motivated right now and my goal for this month is to be 164 at the end of the month!

Back On Track

We moved and it happened so quick that I was kind of thrown for a loop and lost track of my workout schedule. Well we're practically moved in and I'm now back on track. I've decided to not eat out for 6 months, mainly because I'm so tired of it but also because I'm working really hard on eating right, counting calories and portion sizes. Eating is the hardest part for me. Once I establish a habit of working out, it becomes easy. I love how I feel afterwards and it really is a stress reliever for me. I enjoy running and strength training but I also enjoy food. I don't over eat but I don't eat healthy and to lose weight I've decided to really watch what I eat. I'm not very good at coming up with menus and I'm new at this healthy eating so if anyone has any recipes or suggestions they'd like to offer I would love all the help I can get.

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Crazy Life

I made this blog for the purpose of logging my daily activities and progress. I haven't written in it for a couple of weeks and I've been completely horrible at getting the activity I need. We're in the process of moving. We weren't in our home for two weeks which meant we ate out a lot good thing is that I only gained about two pounds. I'm this is a short entry but I just want to let you know that I am still keeping this up and can use all the support. Thanks

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Work out update

So I've started P90x again and I'm on the fourth day. A little sore but doing great. Okay I'm not going to lie, I didn't actually work out yesterday so I'm really on day three. I have a hard time getting up in the morning. When I workout I feel great and productive throughout the rest of the day and when I don't workout I'm usually wishing I did around noon. It's just hard in the mornings when I'm so comfy in bed and thinking about an extra hour of sleep. I've been pretty good about it but I'm wondering if anyone has any advice. What helps you get motivated to workout?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Begining

For anyone who is reading this, thank you. I enjoy the support and appreciate the interest you have in my life. I'm starting a health blog. My own health blog. I've read several articles of people having a health blog and having it improve their own goal to lose weight or stay fit. I know that having a record of my good days and bad days will motivate me to do better.
A little about me, it seems like I've always had a weight problem. I wasn't an obese child or anything but I always seemed to have that child chub. Of course in High School I slimmed down while I played sports but if I didn't play sports I easily gained weight. It wasn't fair because I have a twin sister who didn't play sports and could eat anything she wanted and stay thin. I graduated High School weighing about 130. I'm 5'4, so that is about average I think. College was good to me. I didn't gain the freshman fifteen but lost that much. I was really good at working out every night with my roomates and I was able to eat my own portions.

Thanksgiving 2004 four. 2nd semester college
about 130 lbs
Everytime, I went home from college on my break, I gained so much weight. An incredible amount in a 3 month span.In 2006, I went from 135-140 when I left school to at least 155. (I never weighed myself but looking at pictures) Too bad that time period was when I went to Hawaii for 2 months and all the pictures I have of myself, I'm disgusted by. When I looked at those pictures for the first time, I realized that is not who I wanted to be. I realized that I had a major problem with gaining weight and that I wasn't going to magically have the metabolism my sister had. I did a lot better after that. Although it took a long time to lose that weight that only took my 3 months to put on.

May 2006 (2 weeks before Hawaii)
didn't have a scale but at least 150 lbs
By Fall of 2007, I was back at 130-135. Boys were my motivation. That was the semester I was interested in my-now-husband.When I tried on my wedding dress I weighed 140. That's still average and I was happy about it. I felt good, I looked good, I was getting married.

Right after marriage August 2008
140 lbs
In the first six months of marriage I was able to gain at least ten pounds and when I found out I was expecting I weighed 165. I hadn't realized that I had even gained that much weight. I was still fitting in my jeans but I really don't really gain weight there so it really wasn't the best measure. I had a good pregnancy, I wasn't morning sick for too long and I had healthy growth through my first trimester. It was the second trimester that really threw me. I was living in a hotel with a stove top range and I didn't even get outside most of those days. I did do some walking on the weekends but not nearly enough.

Winter 2009 around 160 lbs
I really can't remember my weight during the rest of the pregnancy but when I did weigh my self 6 months after pregnancy. I was at 185! that was the top of it and I was going to have no more of it. I didn't want to be who I was. Like post-partum isn't enough I was really depressed that I weighed so much. It was then that I really decided that I need to COMMIT TO BE FIT! I knew my habits enough to know that I really need to watch what I eat and need to excersice. I started walking on a treadmill a couple days a week. But That's didn't seem to do much so I bought my husband P90x for father's day. (More for me because he really doesn't need it.) So We started P90 in September of 2010. From the date that we started I worked out 5 days a week for four and a half months until I got my wisdom teeth out and we travel for christmas. Those 4 1/2 months I lost 15 pounds. I had a doctors apointment in the middle of December and weighed 171. That was the fastest I had lost that much weight and got really motivated to keep going.

My before picture of P90x August 2010 (185 lbs)

I After the Christmas holidays(didn't gain a pound : ) )I got back to excercising and mid january was down to 165 pounds(Pre-preggo weight)
That's where I am today. I've started up P90x again and plan to do it like I'm supposed to and record my improvements. My ultimate goal right now is to get back to 145. I'd be happy with 150 but why not go the extra 5 pounds and if I lose more than that great! I've set the date to be May 31st. (Thanks to my good friend Sarah)